Film Contest
Along with my team members, Vanessa Heckmann, Lara Müller, and Anne Sandmann, I participated in the Take17 video contest and we took first place. The video contest aimed to raise awareness of the 17 sustainable development goals and the importance of creating a sustainable future for our planet. Through our video, we showcased our creativity and passion for promoting sustainable development, and we were grateful to have been recognized for this.
- Davinci Resolve
- Film Contest
- Teamsize of 4
Developing Process
To create our short film we began by developing a comprehensive storyboard that captured our creative vision for the video, highlighting the 17 sustainable development goals. Despite using amateur equipment, we worked diligently to capture footage that would communicate our message effectively. We contacted multiple locations, such as Unverpacktladen Saarbrücken, Tafel St.Wendel, and Vlexx, to film scenes that would highlight different aspects of sustainable development. Furthermore, we experimented with different camera angles and lighting setups to achieve the desired visual effects. During the post-production phase, we used Davinci Resolve to edit the footage and create smooth transitions between scenes. We placed a strong emphasis on the message, ensuring that it remained the focus of the video, while also incorporating creative elements that added interest and visual appeal. Our collaborative approach and dedication to the development process ultimately paid off, and we are proud of the final product that we produced.